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Frequently Asked Questions

What is "manipulation" or "adjusting"?

You can consider manipulation or adjusting to mean the same thing. Manipulation is highly effective in treating joints with reduced range of motion. Simply put, manipulation” is to joints what massage” is to muscles – it “loosens” them up. We use a combination of manual adjustment techniques including lower force methods such as activator and drop-piece.
Manual manipulation typically involves the practitioner placing the patient into a specific position. This could be lying face down or face up on the bench, seated, standing, side-lying etc. The practitioner then delivers a specific and controlled force to the patient in an effort to restore proper range of motion to a joint.
You may have read elsewhere that chiropractors use a “high velocity low amplitude thrust” or “HVLA thrust” to adjust or manipulate joints. This pertains to the manipulative movement being a very quick action whilst at the same time being not too heavy-handed. Having said this, the amplitude or force required to adjust or manipulate someone is relative to both the degree of restriction of a joint, and often the size of the patient. For example, the force required to adjust a baby is significantly less than that required to adjust a well built rugby player.

Is chiropractic care safe?

Chiropractic has a remarkable safety record. In fact, recent research findings in a highly regarded peer–reviewed medical journal (Spine) concluded that compared to standard medical treatment of spine disorders (anti-inflammatory, cortisone etc), risk of adverse reactions was very low.

Can I use my Private Health Fund?

All of our practitioners are providers for the major health funds and we provide on the spot (HICAPS) processing so all you’ll have to pay is the gap. Please check with your health fund to see about your individual coverage.

How long until I see results?

In most cases you will see some positive results within the first 1-3 sessions. Certain conditions take longer than that, but the majority of our clients feel a distinct difference within a few sessions.

What should I wear?

When we schedule your first visit we’ll let you know what to wear and what, if anything, to bring with you, but here are our general guidelines: Stretchy, comfortable clothes are always recommended. If your issue involves your neck or back, wear a tank top or sports bra; if it involves the lower body, opt for shorts. For running concerns, bring your shoes.

What's the difference between a physio and a chiro?

Not a great deal. Physiotherapists treat physical injuries to the body, whether they be from accidents, post-operative or long term postural pain from desk work etc. You might see a physio for an injury to your ankle, your low back or your shoulder for example. Chiropractors are traditionally known for treating the spine alone using manipulation. Today however, many chiropractors have furthered their interests in the treatment of other injuries to do with the arms and legs as well.
Many chiropractors will claim they can fix your knee problem, for example, by treating your spine. Sometimes, this may be the case, but you will most likely need local attention to your knee as well. Rarely is there an arm or leg complaint that is solely due to a spinal cause. Chiropractors spend five years studying anatomy and biomechanics of the entire body whilst at university (physios spend four) so you can be certain all chiropractors are just as familiar with structures of the body as are physios.
In terms of the actual treatment, physios might include ultrasound or interferential therapy, the McKenzie Method, Feldenkrais, massage, stretching and even manipulation. What most people don’t realise however, is that chiros can utilise all of these modalities as well. You can expect all physios and chiros to know the basic techniques like massage and stretching. The other aforementioned modalities are just a few of many other extra-curricular studies these practitioners might choose to add to their treating skills through further study at treatment seminars or conferences. Working in health is the same as working in any other profession, once you get qualified, you’re free to specialise in a multitude of different facets. Knowing this, as a prospective patient for physical therapy, you might want to research just who it is you plan to seek help from, and the methods he or she uses to get you better.
Gone are the days where you can say chiros treat spines and physios do everything else. Like all professions though, there is great diversity amongst practitioners, and so you need to do your research before wandering into a practice expecting to have your knee treated.

(02) 9544 3100

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